
Anderson Women’s Rugby Scholarship 2024

Anderson Women’s Rugby scholarship is all about backing women’s rugby players in getting their college dreams. If your into Rugby as a woman, this program is for you. If selected higher education bills will be taken care of.


Women’s rugby might be outnumbered, but it’s sprinting ahead with a 28% growth since 2017, making it a solid game for young women to dive into.

While men continue to dominate rugby, women constitute just over a quarter of all players in the sport. Nevertheless, there has been a notable surge in women’s rugby globally, witnessing a remarkable 28% increase in registered players since 2017. This growth presents promising prospects within women’s rugby, rendering it an excellent avenue for young women to engage and participate in this awesome sports.

Anderson Women's Rugby Scholarship

Scholarship overview

Level:Young Rugby player.
Minimum Age:None.
Required GPA:None.
Eligibility Country:Worldwide.
Scholarship Deadline:May 27, 2024.

Requirements for Anderson Women’s Rugby Scholarship 2024

Applicants must meet the following criteria to qualify:

  • Must be a student of High school senior, undergraduate, trade school student, or graduate student.
  • Have Boldest Bold.org Profile.
  • Must have ambition, Drive and Passion Rugby sports.
  • Write an essay of 400-600 words on ‘tell us about what rugby family means to you.


  • This scholarship covers you tuition fees of upto $5,000
  • Exposure to other great player in Rugby sports
  • Connect you to professional competitions
  • Covers your accommodation fees.

5 Facts About Anderson Women’s Rugby Scholarship

  1. Supports female rugby players pursuing higher education.
  2. Open to diverse educational levels worldwide.
  3. No set GPA or age requirement.
  4. Encourages showcasing rugby skills and personal dedication.
  5. Deadline is on May 27, 2024.

How to apply

Interested and qualified candidates should visit Bold.org, create a profile and apply.

Website: Bold.org

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