
King AbdulAziz University Scholarship Program for International Students 2024

The Deanship of Graduate Studies at King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, extends a comprehensive scholarship program for international students, offering full funding for a wide array of graduate programs. This scholarship opportunity is available for both Master’s and Ph.D. levels and encompasses an extensive range of academic disciplines, including Sciences, Engineering, Humanities, Arts, Information Technology, Business Administration, and Computer Engineering. The primary aim of this scholarship is to cover all associated expenses for eligible candidates.


In this guide, we will delve into the crucial eligibility criteria, application procedures, and the multitude of advantages provided by this prestigious scholarship program. By following this informative guide, prospective applicants will gain a thorough understanding of the requirements and steps necessary to secure this esteemed opportunity.

The King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, offers a generous scholarship program for international students pursuing Master’s and Ph.D. degrees. This scholarship encompasses various fields, covering all associated expenses for successful applicants. The benefits include a monthly bursary, preparation allowance, free healthcare, accommodation, access to the central library, subsidized meals, printing thesis allowance, and a two-way annual ticket. Distinguished Master’s degree holders can also upgrade to a Ph.D. program.

Level:Master’s or Ph.D
Minimum Age:None.
Required GPA:Not specified.
Eligibility Country:Open to all nationalities
Gender:All genders.
Scholarship Deadline:December 28, 2023.

To qualify for the King Abdulaziz University Scholarship, candidates must adhere to the following eligibility criteria:


Educational Qualifications: Prospective applicants must hold a university degree earned from an accredited institution, with a minimum of a “very good” academic standing. All graduation certificates and academic transcripts should be certified by the Saudi Embassy.

Age Limit: For Master’s programs, candidates should be under the age of 35, while for Ph.D. programs, the age limit is 40.

Character and Health: A history of good conduct and overall sound health is a fundamental requirement.

Recommendation Letters: Applicants are required to submit recommendation letters from two former professors as part of their application.


Language Proficiency: Individuals whose primary language is not English must provide approved exam scores in either TOEFL or IELTS. Specific minimum score requirements for different English language proficiency tests are clearly outlined.

Additional Criteria: Certain programs may have additional eligibility prerequisites. Therefore, it is vital for candidates to thoroughly review the specific criteria applicable to their chosen program.

Non-Saudi students, both male and female residing outside the Kingdom, can secure seats in higher education institutions in Saudi Arabia, accompanied by a comprehensive array of benefits:

  1. A monthly bursary.
  2. A preparation allowance for their initial arrival.
  3. Access to free healthcare services.
  4. Accommodation, along with scientific, cultural, and social support.
  5. Utilization of the central library and other facilities.
  6. The option for subsidized meals.
  7. An allowance to cover thesis printing expenses.
  8. Support for shipping books upon completion of studies.
  9. Provision of an annual round-trip ticket.
  10. The potential for scholarship advancement for exceptional Master’s degree holders, allowing them to pursue a Ph.D. degree.
  1. It’s open to international students for Master’s and Ph.D. programs.
  2. Diverse academic disciplines are covered.
  3. Various benefits, including a monthly bursary and free healthcare.
  4. No specific minimum GPA mentioned.
  5. Application deadlines vary, so check the official website for details.

Interested and qualified? Go to King Abdulaziz University (KAU) on ags.kau.edu.sa to apply

The steps to apply for this prestigious scholarship are outlined:

  • Website Login: Begin the application process by logging into the King Abdulaziz University website as a fresh applicant.
  • Application Submission: Complete the application and, if meeting the requirements, the submission will automatically be considered for the scholarship.
  • Stay Updated: Regularly check your application status on your portal and provided mail to remain informed throughout the process.

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